Saturday, April 18, 2009

Internet Client Makes Millions

A few years ago, I did some legal work for a client whose primary sales came from the internet. Those sales were in the millions. Often, I'd be in the client's office all day and into the night, and the phone would ring constantly. The calls came in from all over the continental USA. On one particular day, I watched as one of the salesmen actually made $50,000.00 in sales in a single day. As the business grew, his record fell, when another salesman did over $100,000 in a single day.

What stunned me more than anything was that these were high-dollar items he was selling. It was not uncommon for a customer to make a $10,000 purchase. In conversation with the man in the company who made it all happen, he told me what he'd done, and how he'd done it. There was no hi-tech or fancy work required, but it did require some knowledge of how the internet worked and how to attract business to a web site. He had learned about selling on the internet when he'd written a book on IRA's and had it leap to a #1 spot on the New York Times Best Seller list. He quit doing accountant work and began selling his boss's products and when I last saw him, was earning well over 6 figures a year.

That experience spurred me to look closer at the web profiteers on the internet, those who are making tons of money selling products and services. It's been an interesting study. There are some very good courses out there for learning (as well as some very bad ones). The rule is definitely caveat emptor.

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