Friday, June 11, 2010

The Hidden Dangers of American Food

Dangers in American Food

Eating, in America can be a dangerous proposition, especially long term eating. The dangers in American food is overwhelming us and causing a serious health crisis, as well as draining our financial reserves caused by the medical care created by dangerous foods.

If I can avoid it, I won’t eat a hamburger that doesn’t come from grass-fed beef. The dangers in American foods is perhaps epitomized in the way we grow and process our beef. The treatment of animals, how they grow them, how they feed them, what they feed them, and how they live their short lives, is wretched and disgusting. Cattle are bred to excessive weights, fed corn and hormone enriched diets that their systems are not capable of handling, hence the constant outbreaks of e-coli, and they live in vast acres of their own fecal matter, often standing knee-deep in it. The same incredible birth-to-death cycle of contained living can be said of chickens.  They live in dark tunnels, never seeing daylight, bred to gain incredible weight, so much so that they often fall over, unable to support themselves, and die.

Dangers in American Food Revealed in Documentary

Recently, I watched a documentary entitled Food, Inc.  What a powerful documentary. And, what a powerful indictment against our food industry, our government, and ourselves for permitting those we elect to permit the rampant, money-driven waste of American health. We see, in this documentary, the dangers in American food up close. The proof is there, to anyone who chooses to look. We are allowing ourselves to be killed so large conglomerates can become rich. Worse, we're the ones paying for it with tax dollars! It’s staggering to the mind to realize how we’ve been plundered, and how every taxpayer in the country has been underwriting  this catastrophic plague upon ourselves. It is an unprecedented attack against the entire nation, and those we’ve elected to protect our health, and those who our elected officials have appointed to protect our health, are all in bed with the attackers. It’s truly insane.

Will the Politicians save us from the dangers in American food?

We need to start examining those we we’re going to elect to office for things besides whether or not they’re for or against bad guys in other nations. We need to ask them whether they are for us and against the bad guys in the gleaming, corporate headquarters in our nation. We need to know where they stand on the issues of the quality of our beef, and of our poultry, and our food in general. We need to appreciate the value of organic products. We need to know whether they are going to fight for our right to live. We need to know if the dangers in American food is going to continue to rise under their rule.

It is no wonder why we’re such a sick nation. We’re led by inane politicians whom we have, in our stupidity, elected to office. We’ve let the greasy-palmed politicians appoint slick-haired suited food industry leaders to regulate their friends. We’ve accepted food placed before us as normal, when it is so far removed from normal that if our great-great grandparents were alive and eating this food, they’d die in months instead of the years it’s taking to kill us off. It is amazing that from childhood we’ve been fed this cornucopia of chemical laced meat, soup, pop, bread and fat-laden meals, and  that we live as long as we do. It’s too bad the quality of life has not kept up with the ability of our medical technology to keep up alive. It’s unfortunate that the maze of chemicals and hormones we’re ingesting has produced an obesity level that is staggering (pun intended) in terms of population percentile and health costs.

One can only wonder how much longer this will go on before we wake up and realize that the danger we face is not a bunch of nuts infiltrating our airports and taking over an airplane, but a bunch of nuts who’ve infiltrated our congress (translation: lobbyists) on behalf of their food conglomerate masters. We’d better be concerned about the saboteurs who have taken over our government and who now run our governmental agencies (such as the FDA). We need to realize that the dangers in American food is a hazard created by huge conglomerates, and allowed to continue by a congress that is fattened by the cash cows of the American Food Industry.

We’d better wake up and smell the stench that is coming from the dark chicken coops across the land, and the cattle standing knee-deep in feces. We’d better wake up and smell the stench coming from our nation’s capital. We’d better wake up and smell the stench of rotting flesh—our own. We’re rotting from the inside caused by the sick and diseased beef and chicken we’re putting into our gut, where it lies rotting, providing little natural nutrient. The dangers of American food is causing our chickens to come home to roost.

A Plaintiff's Lawyer needs to show a jury the dangers of American food

As a lawyer, I can only wonder how long it’s going to take the Plaintiff’s bar to wake up and smell the the money (translate: class action). I'd love to hear a Plaintiff's lawyer put this opening statement to a jury: "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here today, and in the coming weeks, to show you, indeed, to prove to you, the dangers of American food."

Someday. It's just a matter of time.

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